Essential Oil Massage in Neuchatel
Les huiles essentielles de la marque Yonka pour une efficacité optimale
les huiles essentielles et le massage
Our qualified therapist performs the most relaxing essential oil massage at Olistik. This can relieve many aches and pains, and help achieve a slimmer figure. Our team will guide you through your essential oil massage session to put you in the best conditions for optimal results. Please read on if you would like to learn more about this wellness massage with therapeutic properties.
Harmonie et relaxation
The importance of combining massage and essential oils
Massage and essential oils are complementary and provide holistic care. A massage alone will help relax you in case of stress because of its direct action on muscles. Massaging the knotted areas results in an intense relaxation of the body and brings immediate relief.
Essential oils are also used in the massage. They create an absolute sense of calm in you through their relaxing virtues and scents. The massage’s benefits are increased tenfold by the oils, resulting in complete relaxation.
les bienfaits
Massages and the benefits of essential oils
There are many benefits to using essential oils during a massage and they can be classified into three categories: therapeutic, relaxing, or even slimming. We will explain everything below.
Therapeutic benefits
A massage with essential oils improves blood circulation. If you have edema from water retention, they will subside more easily. Improved blood circulation also leads to greater toxin elimination.
Essential oils also have analgesic properties and strengthen the immune system by stimulating it. We usually use the following oils: wintergreen, peppermint, or lavender.
Essential oils and slimming
Essential oils are made up of active ingredients that are able to improve your body’s drainage, and thus, effectively prevent orange peel effect. Many oils have these properties, but the massage therapist will usually use cypress essential oil.
Relaxing benefits
When essential oils are applied during a wellness massage, they will relax you with their scents and calming properties. They will gently soothe, soften and regenerate your skin at the same time. The oils can relieve pain thanks to their analgesic properties, while hydrating the dermis. We only use high-quality oils such as chamomile or macadamia, among others.
Utilisation des meilleures marques
Our essential oil massages
As soon as you arrive, our team will prepare you and make you feel at ease as you wait for your treatment. You will enjoy the sweet scents of our essential oils and calm music.
Our massage therapist will choose the appropriate essential oils from a wide range of products according to your needs.
Our massage therapists then warm the oil in their hands and apply it to the area to massage. The massage begins and is very relaxing.
At the end of your session, you will feel relaxed, relieved of your pains, and your skin will be more radiant than ever.
Réservez votre massage aux huiles essentielles à Neuchâtel chez Olistik
Très réputé dans le monde entier, le massage aux huiles essentielles doit sa notoriété à son efficacité. Ou plutôt, devrait-on dire, à ses efficacités. Car ce vous sera profitable à bien des égards.
En premier lieu, il vous sera forcément agréable au toucher. Les huiles essentielles rendent le tracé du massage plus sinueux et délicat encore qu’un massage conventionnel. D’autant que les huiles essentielles imprègnent les pores de votre peau pour mieux les combler de leurs effets thérapeutiques. Des huiles parfumées qui vous enivrent dans une atmosphère de quiétude relaxante dont vous ne pourrez retirer que des profits pour votre bien-être.
Mais un massage aux huiles essentielles, c’est aussi un moyen de fluidifier votre flux sanguin et de prendre soin de votre cœur. Il agit même au point de guérir vos œdèmes en éliminant la rétention d’eau contenue dans vos flux sanguins. Olistik, centre de bien-être spécialiste des massages à Neuchâtel vous propose alors de découvrir la massothérapie et ses vertus.
On connaît aussi ce massage pour son rôle sur votre ligne. En effet, un massage aux huiles a des propriétés d’amincissement naturel du corps en le drainant des toxines diverses qui s’y trouvent. Naturel de par ses attributions aussi bien que par ses effets, le massage aux huiles essentielles enveloppe votre corps dans un concentré de douceur véritable avant de vous le rendre plus sain qu’il ne l’a jamais été.